Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Being An Authetic African

Throughout recorded human history, a lot has happened to the people of Africa. By "a lot", I mean, grievous, mean experiences. Whereas some suppose that the biggest human massacre happened to the Jews in Hitler's demented passion for the survival of the Aryans, it is heart-wrenching to realize they have ignored the fact that the slave trade involving the sons and daughters of Africa accounts for the worst record of mankind atrocities. Equally unfortunate is the view that to discuss the slave trade and its horrendous consequences on the African person is being backward; that we are dwelling in the past, which we must detach ourselves from in order for us to comfortably embrace the present and bright prospects in the future.

Sincerely, I appreciate the spirit of moving forward in which many say this, yet it is important that we remember we can not afford to be in denial of our own history and heritage. In most cases, many who wish not to discuss the negative mental and psychological effects that our invaded history has exerted on us, only wish to find an emotional escape route. But we must confront the demons of our past that continue to haunt us if we must have a true hope of mental and psychological redemption.

I submit that the greatest freedom an individual is entitled to is that of the mind. Captivate one's mind and you will have made a robot out of another soul. Slavery and colonization made an assault on the Africans' minds. First, to strip every man of the right to love his woman or women, and be able to run a family, was a psychological castration on us. In case we have forgotten, slavery, which for most of us in Central Southern Africa, did not interact with us on as heavy a scale as West Africa, for example, has had a telling effect through a process of osmosis across the continent. For, regions in Africa that did not feel an immediate pang and embarrassment of slavery were soon to be subjected to colonialism. The two shameful events are not the exactly the same, but they are Siamese twins in their operation with regard to Africa.

These two events, slavery and colonization, are responsible for the divisiveness we still experience among ourselves today. The cold-hearted Scramble for Africa mapped out bogus borders on the continent of Africa, primarily as a way to loot the wealth of Africa, and put her inhabitants under subjugation--whatever it took.

So, by iron and blood, the supplanters arrived on our shores and began to obliterate anybody, anything and everything that stood in their way. Strong-willed individuals gave up their lives through violent means, because the self-imposed master, the Western invader, did not really value an African's life. With the passage of time, the will and independent spirit of our communities was stifled. What began to characterize our lifestyles was a realization that our traditional rulers were intrinsically at variance with the concept of foreign servitude that the supplanters from Europe imposed on us.

Also, the supplanters' very strategic point of attack on us was exacted on our culture, identity and general way of life. The new master broke the spirits of our indigenous communities by convincing many that our names were pagan, and needed to be changed; likewise, our ways of worship and religion in general were supposedly misguided. Our entire existence, said the supplanter, was a disaster in desperate need of a major fix.

Hence, we became either Christian or Muslim, with accompanying names. Our history was not something we needed to be proud of. Rather, we needed to be so ashamed of it we needed to almost renounce. Our languages, traditions and culture were barbaric, but English and French traditions, culture and adopted ways of worship. The greatest harm was not doe us physically; it was to the mind. The supplanters succeeded in lying to us and convincing our people that they were really inferior to him.

"Well, that was a long time ago, Mulenga. Get over it, and let's be forward-looking!", many would say. That attitude may be only wrongly justified, owing, largely, to the fact that it has been a long time since we got brain-washed and now, we are so entrenched in falsehoods that we have become authentic-blind. If any group of people would live in a certain way, believing wrongly for a prolonged period, such as many did before Galileo Galilei announced his discovery of a round world (and they all believed the world was flat!), chances are that they will act sophisticated and educated in a lie that has been told them, and ignore what is really important and, in our case, authentically African. And, by the way, I, too, am forward-looking, except I see there is a prevalent mental blindness to what factors have molded our current frame of thinking and acting, especially among the so-called educated. I have only chosen not to be the proverbial ostrich which buries its head in the sand when flames of consuming fire approach. A problem does not disappear only by a single act of ignoring its presence, and assuming it does not exist. That is being delusional.

Sadly, even the majority of our highly educated have been largely mis-educated in untruths as far as our history is concerned. We have been told our history by others, and have accepted it as infallible, as something we can not challenge or rewrite. One example of a major lie is that Africans sold their nephews willingly into slavery, all the while underplaying the savagely brutal force that the supplanters used on our communities to take slaves against their will, thereby buckling the resolve and self-defense of our societies under intense and inhumane pressure. There was usually no option, but to give in, and seem to be willing to make certain deals with the least amount of damage incurred by surviving members of the community. No, we did not start selling our own people willingly; we had never heard of farming lands in the Americas. And, we, being a communal people, although slavery (servitude) was always present among us--and was chiefly for performing domestic chores by those who had failed to settle their debts, for example--never traded our people for pieces of cloth, salt and guns before the supplanters invaded Africa. This is one lie we must work to unravel, especially that it would help to bring healing between the Brothers and Sisters in Diaspora (in the Americas, the islands, and wherever our blood is spread abroad) and us, the continental Africans.

Today, we are divided because the system of rulership the self-imposed masters placed on our people was designed to divide and rule. Suddenly, a country of only 3.5 million people, such as Zambia was at Independence, was told we had as many as 73 tribes among us, and we believed it! Some of these dialects are only as varied as the accents of say upstate New York on one hand, and, say, Mississippi, on another. Not once in our lifetime would we ever consider the two accents in English "two tribes"! But, to the supplanter, that is okay for Africa because it just further divides us and creates chasms among us.

It is this long and painfully twisted history of constant mental bombardment that causes the majority of us to be more proficient in other languages like English and French, at a crippling expense of of our own. What is even sadder is people are even proud of the fact that they can not construct meaningful sentences to communicate in their mothers' languages! Talk about a complete brain-washing! That is why I say with absolute certainty that some of our most educated Brothers and Sisters represent some of the most miseducated beings walking the face of the earth today. For what is education if it strips one of his or her own identity? It then becomes an effective tool to sway the masses through the so-called educated, because these individuals carry a certain air of sophistication that their masters taught them.

There is a way that the painter's hand extends itself into the present and the future if certain measures are not corrected immediately. This sad picture of the great miseducation and colonization of the mind will continue unless we awake from our slumber, and come to grips with who and what we really are. In many ways, we are like a child that was delivered, brought up and groomed in an environment where they had never seen their own image in the mirror, because that privilege was denied them. Until such a person looks in the mirror and study and accept who they are, they will believe anything they are told they are. Many Black people in Africa today believe they would probably qualify to be of another light-skinned color. How else would you explain the bleaching of their beautiful dark brown skins? How else would you explain Michael Jackson's whiteness? Or, why are our women more inclined to straighten their hair than they are towards simply braiding it? Now we have lots of blonds walking around in Kalingalinga township! To quote the words of another blogger, even our own Zambian Justices wear blond wigs!

We do have a deep-seated desire to look the best way we have been told, chiefly through our painful history, and in the present day, through such things as subliminal messages. That is, to look as close as possible to the image of the white person. How is it that our own children are deemed intelligent and really smart if they speak English more than they would, say, si-Lozi or iciBemba, or ciNyanja or Luvale? It is because we want our children to be more like the master we secretly adore and admire. But this can change, with a strong resolve to reinvent ourselves.

I do not advocate that we ignore the challenges and certain technological breakthroughs that others have made. I do not try to disseminate an ideology of exclusivism or isolation of ourselves from the rest of the world. I only advocate that in the midst of all human diversity, we too, maintain our own and not be assimilated, because however hard we try, we will not be them or they us. We are unique, just as they are. We were born speaking our languages, which our ancestors spoke. We, being who we are, must perpetrate our own identity and uniqueness. Others will not do it for us all. The ball is in our court, right in our hands.

I have seen the Chinese speak their own language unashamedly, just as much I have seen the Germans, the Russians, the Indians, the Japanese, the Iraqis, ad infinitum, speak their languages with pride. They seem not as apologetic as a pretending voice I usually hear our people usually speak with if they must utter something in their mother tongue.

I conclude this posting with a lot of words still trapped in my heart, but I will provide some thought-provoking clues to themes highlighted above, hoping that they will be given due consideration:

  1. What are your real (authentic African) names?
  2. Do you ever introduce yourself to strangers by them?
  3. Would your great great grandparents almost bite their lips trying to pronounce their own progeny's name, only because it is foreign and is deemed superior to indigenous ones?
  4. What was (is) the religion of your ancestors, or do you even care to know?
  5. Do you believe your ancestors were pagans, and the supplanters were the holy guys with a true religion?

[This will be continued.]


Bennett Kankuzi said...

As Africans we really need to be freed from mental colonization... Great post. This is nothing but the truth!

Victor Mulenga Chanda said...

A Kankuzi watu,

Thank you for adding to the subject of our greatest concern in this generation: OUR unique African heritage.